The Holidays

10:07 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

The last few weeks at Uni were absolute mayhem, with assessment deadlines appearing left, right and centre! This, of course, left me practically gagging for the festive holiday to arrive, which, lo and behold, finally did.

The past week has been extremely relaxing, and has also provided me with a lot of time to collect my thoughts. While my first stint at blogging on this site has proved slow, I intend to fully throw myself into it within the new year. As cheesy as it is, I have also constructed a list (...typical) of resolutions for 2016.

  • Read a lot more - I used to read LOADS when I was younger which really helped to kickstart my love of writing. Prioritising A Levels and school left me with little time to read, so this is something I really want to pick up again.
  • Take more pictures -  I am currently crap at capturing memories.
  • Take control - I am the messiest, most disorganised person EVER - folders do not exist on my computer, which means a lot of work gets lost within the formidable vacuum. This is going to change Bridget Jones style.
  • Stand out - Okay, possibly The. Lamest. Thing. Ever. However, I need to push myself to dream big (again, cringing as I write...) - there is absolutely nothing stopping me from pursuing photography, film and writing more.
My best friend Nome bought me this "One Line a Day" book for Christmas, which begins on the 1st January. This is perfect for a gal like me who loves Timehop and being all nostalgic, so I cannot wait to start using this in the new year.

 Meels x 


Current Wishlist

16:04 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

Wishlist #dec

UNIF oversized sweater

T shirt
£14 -

UNIF sweater
£52 -

UNIF long sleeve sweater

UNIF quilted jacket

Short skirt
£43 -

When I'm not throwing myself into uni work (ha-ha!), you can find me trawling endlessly through clothing websites. It's the ultimate tease - being a penniless student means there is no way I could actually afford such luxuries.

Unif is the one for me at the moment. The polo neck jumpers are practically calling my name. For a long time, I've been dreaming of owning a black puffa/quilted jacket and the Unif Certa completely fits the bill - the slouchy, oversized style would make any outfit look effortlessly cool. Although it's not included in the collage, this jumper is making me crazy(!!!) at the moment. I need it in my life.

While the AA tennis skirt may be the definition of edgy/epitome of wave, all I know is that I want to ride that wave right into my wardrobe.

Surprisingly, a Nike swoosh tee (seemingly an essential) does not currently exist in my life - perhaps this could change in 2016?

Meels x


Autumn Visuals

11:49 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

Autumn is definitely my favourite season; in my mind, nothing compares to wrapping yourself up in front of a film on a grey, blustery day.
I've included a few pictures above which have been taken over the course of this month. I'm really loving polo necks at the moment - not only do they keep your neck cosy, but they add that extra je ne sais quoi to your outfit. The polo top pictured is from Asos, and I really love how the neckline contrasts with the cold cut of the shoulders. The black denim pinafore is from Topshop and is so easy to wear - the A-line cut makes my legs feel so free!

One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely love making lists (for some reason, if something is written down in a list then I am more likely to get it done).

Without further ado here are some more reasons to love autumn:

  1. You can wear as much makeup as you like and it won't sweat off under the summer sun! V important for a makeup addict such as myself
  2. Stodgy warming food e.g sticky toffee pudding and anything with gravy
  3. The hope of Christmas looming in the near future
  4. THE CLOTHES!!! - I am a coat/jacket hoarder
  5. It starts getting dark at 3:30pm - this means it is now acceptable to turn your fairy lights on earlier (or pre-drink earlier!)
  6. Rain on hang over days? Have no fear, you can now hide your shame beneath a hood without looking odd/thuggish
  7. Plus, you can lie in the folds of your duvet longer without feeling guilty for staying inside
  8. Hot chocolate

On another note, photography is something that I'm really keen to incorporate into this blog. I'm currently using my phone to take pictures, but once I get my act together and order a new charger I will be able to use my DSLR - this will result in better quality pictures, so watch this space.

Meels x


New Perspectives

09:09 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

"What are you passionate about?"/"What are your interests?"

These are cliche, stuffy questions that I get asked A LOT. And every single time I'm left blabbering about "how I don't know" or "I'm not that interesting."

Over the past year I feel like I've fallen into the same stiff routine of attending uni, meeting deadlines, going out and then spending the next day in bed nursing a sore head. 

This ends today...(cheesy I know)

I've spent a while thinking about this blog: what will it be about? Who am I writing for? What will my first post be? In the end, I decided to just bottle it and jot down whatever came to mind.

I'll be using this blog to write about stuff that interests me, be it films, music or something I've read.
AND who knows? Maybe I'll realise that I have a burning passion for something after all!

Meels x