A Recent Musing...

08:35 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

So, rather fitting to my blog name, I've recently been musing over a particular thought. Having watched a lot of First Dates (I'm a sucker for the programme) I started to notice a pattern..the older you get, the less fucks you give (excuse my french, or pardon). You really start to notice the true colour of these elderly characters - some have danced in the restaurant, and others have arrived in crazy outfits, with many commenting on the fact that they just don't care what anyone thinks anymore.

I wrote in a previous post that we shouldn't be confined by the fear of judgement, which I think is so important. Life looks so much fun when you just don't care. I can only assume that these elderly folk have come to realise that life is too short to worry about perception.

However, we all know it's easier said than done. I am the worst for worrying what others think, especially when it comes to my appearance. I always have to remind myself that no one actually cares(!!!) - everyone is too wrapped up in themselves to even consider you more than a passing thought. 

So, embrace life and love who you are! Be outrageous! Be able to look back and be proud of who you are! Push yourself to not care what anyone else thinks - life is too short to be worrying about that! I'm definitely going to try and follow this way of thinking from now on.

Meels x